

Jazztronik’s T, this was cool.
I’ve been recording radio shows Jazztronik (not me) hosts this afternoon. Today’s guests are Coldfeet and Naoto. They were so sincere and brought lots of smile, thanks.



I don’t know everything about music and radio industries in Japan despite I ‘ve been involved for as many as 12 years. However, I was always with luck in working together with some great personalities including producers, musicians and DJs. Thanks to those whom I worked with, I’ve been seeing very few disgusting people. Most people understand there are some in every industries, but when you have to see those kind of people, you’ll find two different kinds in there. Type 1 is disgusting but very sincere to improve the situation the person belongs to. Such people might be precious assets for the industries. While second is nice person at a glance, but do nothing but making own money effectively. And I’m afraid that I would be latter one these days.



Is this lightning meant that fall has coming? Swimming pool at Komazawa I and Rey used to go has become closing at 5 P.M. since 1st of September. However, it was a maggy day.
I borrowed following CDs of Atelier E.A.U. today. (Just for memo)

The Byrds / Turn! Turn! Turn!
The Byrds / Younger Than Yesterday
The Byrds / The Notorious Byrd Brothers
The Byrds / Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
The Rascals / The Island Of Real

Jack Johnson


@Bonaroo Music Festival 2003のダウンロード完了。後半、G. Loveとのデュオを披露してくれている・・・にしても豪華なラインナップで、日本で有名な音楽祭りとは一味違うアメリカンな味わいが魅力的です。Bonarooにいつか行ってみたい!
I have downloaded Jack Johnson’s performance @ Bonaroo Music Festival in June 2003. In the last part he sang along with “G. Love”. That was interesting. CD and DVD will be in store soon.



–>ESPN Soccernet
I’ve watched re-run of Merseyside derby, Everton v. Liverpool on TV this afternoon. Of course you do not know I’m a little bit Reds fan. In the long run, I always love not so strong squad. Liverpool, however, has various star players from the world in fact. And that’s why Houllier’s kids could show marvelous games, I’m so regret to say “sometimes” as the beginning of last season. Just like late of last season, the Reds couldn’t fly high until last weekend. At last, they stunned me with its excellent performance of such players as Eml Hadji Diouf, Milan Baros, Harry Kewell, Vladimir Smicer and Michael Owen. It was really fantastic. Reds, keep on going!

In the evening, I went to library and borrowed John Irving’s “Setting Free the Bears” translated to Japanese by Haruki Murakami again.



Yesterday and today, I’ve seen all kinds of people on the train to and from Ito, Shizuoka, and my company was music by the Beatle, who passed away before completing the album. His son, Dhani, and his longtime friend/collaborator Jeff Lynne completed the recordings, released late in 2002, nearly a year after George’s death, as Brainwashed.

Gov’t Mule


久しぶりにetree.orgのメーリング・リストをチェックして、今年2月16日ヴァージニア州ノーフォークでのGov’t Muleを聴いている。ベースはBlack CrowsのAndy Hess。Phishとか先月来日していたSCI、それからWSP、SKBなどGrateful Deadの後継者たちが続々と生まれてきている中でGov’t Muleはブルーカラーのための「ファイト一発」な印象が強い。(何でだろう?) ブッシュはクソだが、こういったバンドが多くの観客を動員して、メジャーなアクトとして活動できる何ともうらやましい音楽シーンがアメリカにはある。海野弘はカリフォルニアが人類の巨大な実験場だ、と言っていたけれど、音楽ビジネスを根底から変えるキッカケが、1960年代のサンフランシスコで生まれたバンドに端を発していた、と後世に語り伝えられる可能性はすごく高い。
I checked current posts at’s mailing list after a long time and I’ve got shn of Gov’t Mule 02-16-2003@Norfolk, VA. today. That was great sound, and I wish I were there. Andy Hess, ex-Black Crows, on bass. I don’t like George W. Bush but I envy US musical environment such groups as SCI, WSP, SKB and Phish touring nationwide with a lot of audience all year round like Grateful Dead has done. Hiroshi Unno, a writer said California is a huge laboratory of humankind and GD was there since late 1960’s. And music business has been changed gradually and firmly because of those groups.

Setagaya Sky


I bought old small moter bike(50 c.c.) at “Yahoo! Auction” last month, and it has been broken since the very day I had it due to an engine trouble. Today, it has come back to me at last. I love it though it cost me much time and money after all.



I am a student of an English school in Yotsuya, Tokyo now. This is the second time to go to school in this town. The first chance was nearly 20 years ago when I was preparing to enter the college. Now I cannot make sure I really was adulterated enough since many years passed. When I was a prep school student, I often have been to Tokyo Gymnasium swimming pool, Sendagaya throughout narrow streets with tiny old temples between Yotsuya and Sendagaya. Since there were a lot of good swimmers, I became to swim butterfly in later that year, despite my preparing was not necessary to be improved. And a bewitching big red lantern (a sign of drinker) which I felt nothing at that time emerged suddenly.