tk4s: “一社に一人聡明なギャルがほしい。「この作業無駄じゃない?」「え、みんな静かじゃね?」「メール長すぎウケる」「その恰好暑くない?」「紙の無駄じゃない?」「てかもう明日でよくない?」って正論を…



? せん / Twitter (via y-kasa)

kenjiandberna:?During my stay, I promised myself to go out and…


?During my stay, I promised myself to go out and take pictures everyday as long as it wasn’t raining. By bus and train, I went here and there in Hokkaido with my camera. Sometimes I spent the night out of my apartment but I usually dragged myself all the way back, eating bread and drinking whisky in a cold room.?

-Daido Moriyama, on his trip to Hokkaido in 1978