- walking w/ my son, fine weather in Tokyo #
- took my son to kindergaten with wearing flu mask, as i have hey fever, my glasses gets fogged at every breath, dont like this #
- walked my dog, buying fuel #
- returned cds and dvds, taking MacFriedPotate away #
- pay online for motorbike parts #
- have Osaka sushi for lunch #
- shopping in Kichijoji #
- bought wood drawer and jewelry box for wife #
- drive to Kurumaya in Hachioji, Tokyo, famous for soba noodle #
- Kurumaya http://f.hatena.ne.jp/twitter/20080303184512 #
- back home and took bath with kids #
- dinner at Kurumaya, Hachioji, Tokyo was fucking great. #
- watch TV, Arsenal vs Aston Villa #
- drink "Akugare", this tastes
- wasabi-zuke is fantastic for "tsumami" #