“Sustos que dan gusto”
fd0: (Shuuhei Takahashi on X: “この画像あまりにも使いやすすぎる…
highlandvalley: (via Xユーザーの亀屋良長 吉村由依子さん: 「東京国立博物館に行ってきました。…
unaliveish: danique van kesteren
genuinely insane how difficult it is to participate in your own life
genuinely insane how difficult it is to participate in your own life
Chichibu, Japan. Hall of Curious Rocks (little private museum)
Chichibu, Japan. Hall of Curious Rocks (little private museum)
The first emoticons were thrown at the address….
Willem Dafoe for GQ Italia (2023)
Willem Dafoe for GQ Italia (2023)