久しぶりにetree.orgのメーリング・リストをチェックして、今年2月16日ヴァージニア州ノーフォークでのGov’t Muleを聴いている。ベースはBlack CrowsのAndy Hess。Phishとか先月来日していたSCI、それからWSP、SKBなどGrateful Deadの後継者たちが続々と生まれてきている中でGov’t Muleはブルーカラーのための「ファイト一発」な印象が強い。(何でだろう?) ブッシュはクソだが、こういったバンドが多くの観客を動員して、メジャーなアクトとして活動できる何ともうらやましい音楽シーンがアメリカにはある。海野弘はカリフォルニアが人類の巨大な実験場だ、と言っていたけれど、音楽ビジネスを根底から変えるキッカケが、1960年代のサンフランシスコで生まれたバンドに端を発していた、と後世に語り伝えられる可能性はすごく高い。
I checked current posts at etree.org’s mailing list after a long time and I’ve got shn of Gov’t Mule 02-16-2003@Norfolk, VA. today. That was great sound, and I wish I were there. Andy Hess, ex-Black Crows, on bass. I don’t like George W. Bush but I envy US musical environment such groups as SCI, WSP, SKB and Phish touring nationwide with a lot of audience all year round like Grateful Dead has done. Hiroshi Unno, a writer said California is a huge laboratory of humankind and GD was there since late 1960’s. And music business has been changed gradually and firmly because of those groups.
Setagaya Sky
I bought old small moter bike(50 c.c.) at “Yahoo! Auction” last month, and it has been broken since the very day I had it due to an engine trouble. Today, it has come back to me at last. I love it though it cost me much time and money after all.
I am a student of an English school in Yotsuya, Tokyo now. This is the second time to go to school in this town. The first chance was nearly 20 years ago when I was preparing to enter the college. Now I cannot make sure I really was adulterated enough since many years passed. When I was a prep school student, I often have been to Tokyo Gymnasium swimming pool, Sendagaya throughout narrow streets with tiny old temples between Yotsuya and Sendagaya. Since there were a lot of good swimmers, I became to swim butterfly in later that year, despite my preparing was not necessary to be improved. And a bewitching big red lantern (a sign of drinker) which I felt nothing at that time emerged suddenly.
On His Feet
こじつけだが、サッカー・チームもこれと同じことができると強い。はっきり言って今シーズンのManchester Utd.はカルピス化している。好きな人にはたまらないだろう。ベッカム退団で日本の女性サポーターは激減した(といっても同じチームのリーグ得点王、ニステルローイを知るベッカム・ファンがいるとも思えないが)MUにサー・アレックスがどんな乳酸菌を注入しているか気になるところだ・・・18歳の新人くん、その名も「ロナウド」にベッカムが背負っていた背番号7を渡すなんて、まさにカルピスが大事なのであって、何が一緒に使われているかは、それほど問題でないというスタンスを明確に示してる。要はカルピス味で勝てばいいのだ。先週末アウェイでのニューカッスルとのゲームでは、前半1-0とリードされ別室から指示を出すという奇策に出たファーギーが、(実際は抗議の退席?)後半見事に逆転に成功。結局1-2で勝ってしまった。ベラミーを怪我で欠くニューカッスルは攻めがワン・パターンだったか・・・。しかし、選手交代で現れたサー・ボビーの超攻撃的布陣は2002年のヒディンク韓国代表を思わせた。隠れニューカッスル・ファンとしては負けたけど面白いゲームだった。ディフェンスも昨シーズン2試合で11点取られたことを考えると健闘したんじゃないかなあ?
I went to supermarket to buy Calpis, lactic acid beverage, concentrated type which is very famous in Japan. But Today, I couldn’t find standard taste of Calpis, I bought a white peach version of it. It was great. And Calpis has great number of its variation produced with various fruits. It is similer to soccer team, I thought suddenly. I mean kind of “team spirit”. There are some strong clubs because of not players but its decipline.
?> ESPN Soccernet
Last weekend’s match in Premier League in England, MU won again. With or without any player, it seems MU can achieve same strategy under Sir Alex. And New Catsle Utd. which MU encounter was not so bad compared to last season’s defeat. I was so excited with Sir Bobby’s super attacking style. That was an entertainment.
BGM: Link Wray / Mr. Guitar – Original Swan Recording
Strangely to say, air conditioner has and will never become essential for me despite this hot summer. I think it’s partly because my body getting weak rather. Electric company making air-con not for mankind but its profit. They matter how much cost does it take to manufacturing a air conditioner. In a sense people make oneself change to fit to such equipments as air-con, automobile, PC (or I rather say Microsoft). Any option? Yes, but few. And my organs started to say some grievances, although no signs have never been showed.
BGM: A Christmas Gift For You / Phil Spector
新木場にある巨大スペース、スタジオ・コースト。そこで昨日の夜に開かれたイベントが「ageHa」。私が担当している番組のホストでもある Jazztronik(僕じゃないです)がDJをするということで、なれない深夜のドライブで何とかたどり着いた。入り口ではIDの提示を求められ、関係者といってもデジカメ持込禁止、と厳重なセキュリティ・チェックを経て一路プールサイドへ。オープンエアで気持ちよい、なかなか素敵な空間でしたよ。途中、全裸の男性がプールに登場し、その後バーカウンターでくつろぐ姿は新鮮でした。もうちょっと近場にあったらなあというのが、正直なところです。ただスペース的なことを考えると、都心では無理かもしれません。そういったことに対応するためなのでしょうか、なんと渋谷から無料シャトルバスが出てるというのが驚き。
I’ve been Studio Coast in Shin-Kiba, an ivent called “ageHa” was there which including Jazztronik’s DJ play, where is a bit far away from center of Tokyo and isolated. A security guard wanted me to show ID when I tried to enter, and no digital camera allowed. For what? However, the set up was fine, open air space by the small swimming pool. And to my surprise, it operates shuttle bus service between Shibuya and there, Shin-Kiba for free.
海、飲み屋デビュー Kai & my wife @Beer restaurant in Ikebukuro, Tokyo
Recording, radio program called “Jazzin’ the Night”. The host (Jazztronik, not me) has nice shoes.
Today, I’ve watched international soccer match on TV; Japan vs Nigeria @ National Stadium. Fortunately, Japan won the first time on home soil since Brazilian coach “Zico” took control. The Suchi Bomber ‘Takahara’ scored beautifuly and effectively, even the Nigerian team was B-class. After that, I continued to watch TV as Liverpool vs Garatasaray @Amsterdam Tornament was on air. Liverpool’s performance as a team was not great figure at all, and they had two red cards despite this was one of the friendly matches. Although Reds’ mid fielder Steven Gerard is still rough, I still like Liverpool with no firm reason. It is not easy to predict who won the Premier League, to the extent as seen in opening match, I’m afraid Manchester United will be the champion again. MU seems like a heavy weight champion in top form. I never like it, though.
Part of the masterpiece.
Rey (3 year old) made this today as our family portrait.