Watched ‘portrait of a lady on fire’ last night and how can anyone not love turn of the century…


Watched ‘portrait of a lady on fire’ last night and how can anyone not love turn of the century French lesbian longing. It was an exceptional beautiful movie to look at. Shot gorgeously. The lead performances seemed pretty good to me… for me, unless the actors are giving a big performance, it’s always a little hard for me to judge a performance in another language. Like having to read the subtitles doesn’t allow me to hear the emphasis as much, or I just miss it and the movie keeps moving on. So there’s always a slight disconnect for me on performance, maybe I should watch it again, but other than that they seemed really good. Story was interesting, set design and lighting was also fantastic! The lighting really made some scenes feel like an oil painting, which is so great, in a movie about a painter. A really well made movie, worth checking out.




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