leomacgivena: “企業もそろそろ世間は「萌え」じゃなくて「推し」の空気の中で動いてるよ、ということを知ると空振りしなくなるんじゃないかな。萌えは消費だけど推しは信仰だし、企業は萌えさせるん…



? Xユーザーの栗原ちひろ/2月新刊サトリの花嫁さん

上野松坂屋は日本橋三越本店とともに都内で2店だけの「江戸時代から21世紀まで同じ場所にある百貨店」なんですよね。 今の建物は関東大震災で全焼したことを受けて建て直したもので、間もなく築100年。 地震を…



都市商業研究所(都商研) / X

the-bureau-of-propaganda:Transylvania, Romania“For centuries,…


Transylvania, Romania

“For centuries, the small villages in Transylvania have preserved their hay meadows, raised cattle and operated self-sustainable farms. The agrarian fairytale that is extinct in Western Europe still exists here in bucolic scenes, where young boys learn to cut and rake hay by hand, where all village women are proficient in weaving, and all men can build a house from scratch – with thousands of hard-split wooden shingles on the rooftop. In this old world, defined by traditional belief systems and respect for the environment, one does not trample a meadow of high grass before mowing it, the cows and horses find their way home along the muddy village tracks and the rivers’ water is busy with the milling, washing and alcohol making.“?

– Rena Effendi?