thomasbarrowscigarette: directed by: Quentin Tarantino
directed by: Quentin Tarantino
to39: ギター教室の先生が耳だけでチューニング出来るんだが 1: 名無しさんとはSoundHeaven 2020/07/11(土) 07:00:34.715…
1: 名無しさんとはSoundHeaven 2020/07/11(土) 07:00:34.715 ID:xoiw9JMQ0
凄くね?2: 名無しさんとはSoundHeaven 2020/07/11(土) 07:01:24.916 ID:9chQqLqe0
俺も出来るよ5: 名無しさんとはSoundHeaven 2020/07/11(土) 07:02:02.118 ID:GlmBXakor
ある程度やってると出来るようになるよ6: 名無しさんとはSoundHeaven 2020/07/11(土) 07:02:02.840 ID:EKgAnKZ/0
giffindersite: She needs her own show. Via…
She needs her own show. Via https://gif-finder.com
nozacs: “確かに僕らはこころのせいで、愚かしい欲望を抱き、不合理な衝動に身をゆだね、ばかげた関係性に身を投じる。きっと性愛が無かったら、僕たちは天井知らずに賢くなれたことだろう。でも、その賢さ…
“確かに僕らはこころのせいで、愚かしい欲望を抱き、不合理な衝動に身をゆだね、ばかげた関係性に身を投じる。きっと性愛が無かったら、僕たちは天井知らずに賢くなれたことだろう。でも、その賢さにはどんな意味があるのか? 何の意味もない。僕らはしばしば、怜悧な知性よりも性愛の快楽を選んでしまう程度には愚かしい。しかし、その愚かしさゆえにこそ、僕らは転移しあい、関係しあい、つまり愛しあうことができるのかもしれない。”
? 斎藤環
soundsof71: workfornow: thesuburbanerd: soundsof71: Aretha?…
Aretha? Franklin joined by Duane Allman for?“The Weight”, January 1969: the version that was actually a hit!
Here’s a reminder that the Queen of Soul could easily find her away around Rock and Roll. The original version by The Band remains an airplay staple, but stalled at? #63 on the singles chart, while Aretha’s version grooved its way to #19.?
Duane’s slippery slide lead line was very much in keeping with the version he’d recorded with Aretha’s musical director King Curtis the year before, but still sounds mighty fresh here. Massive bottom-end from David Hood on bass rounds this one out.?
It’s a shame that her version of “The Weight” hasn’t endured as one of Aretha’s most-frequently played tracks, and is too rarely included on lists of her mightiest covers. It sure should be!
Photo sources here: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] The one in the center is the only one I’ve seen a definitive credit for, Stephen Paley, so until one of you tells me otherwise, I’m crediting him for all of?‘em. A pretty remarkable moment in time, I think.
This is my favourite cover of this song. IIRC when they asked Aretha who she wanted on the song she said, “Get me that white boy!” And they knew she meant Duane Allman.
Re-blogged again for the above anecdote. Because if it didn’t happen that way it should have!
I’m not sure if the story is true, but I agree that it should have happened that way!?
And it very well might have! Duane Allman was barely 22 when he started hanging out at Muscle Shoals, and he made a huge impression with first session, Wilson Pickett’s cover of?“Hey Jude” just two months before Aretha’s session for?“The Weight”, both with producer Tom Dowd at the helm.
(Eric Clapton was so blown away when he heard Duane’s solo while driving his car in England that he immediately pulled over the car,? called Atlantic Records and demanded to know who that guitarist was. Dowd would later arrange an introduction when he invited Duane to the Derek And The Dominoes session he was producing at his Miami studio.)
So while I couldn’t in the end confirm Aretha’s quote, I did find some fantastic color photos from the session for?“The Weight” pictured above ? IN COLOR! via considerable. Thank heaven for these! We’d never have known about the blue eyeshadow otherwise!
The bottom photo features Aretha with Tom Dowd (left), and Atlantic’s Jerry Wexler. Before Jerry came along, Aretha had been recorded like a girl singing pop and R&B, buried with strings and echo and all kinds of glop. Jerry said, forget all that. Let’s put her in front of a piano and let her howl, for which we are all eternally grateful.
Still no specific credits for these shots, so until I hear otherwise, it’s more great work from Stephen Paley.
nozacs: gkojax-text: gatya: 一度見送ったものがまたdashboardに流れてきたとき「あのときは素直になれなかったけど…今なら」という気持ちでreblog ?…
一度見送ったものがまたdashboardに流れてきたとき「あのときは素直になれなかったけど…今なら」という気持ちでreblog ? jinakanishi ? gkojax
sandman-kk: Shinagawa, Tokyo. June 2020. 11024(via 2020-07 -…
Shinagawa, Tokyo. June 2020. 11024
(via 2020-07 – Sandman-KK)
nozacs: quote-over100notes-jp: “私は25歳のとき、そこが芸術の中心地だと思ったのでフィレンツェに住んだが、住むのが450年遅すぎたと知った。” ?…
? ポール・グレアム「都市と野心」 – らいおんの隠れ家 (via sandman-kk) (via toratorazero) (via andi-b)