WHY THEY STRIKE: Ke Huy Quan (SAG), 2023 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for…


Ke Huy Quan: We started shooting [Everything Everywhere All At Once] three years ago. Shot all the way [to the end] with the last day to go. ALT
Ke Huy Quan: Got shut down for the pandemic, [didn't] regroup [until] eight months later, [and] finished the movie.ALT
Ke Huy Quan: During that entire time, I was at home trying to stay safe like everybody. My agent was sending me all these auditions. And I was sending in self-tapes. ALT
Ke Huy Quan: I could not get a single job. This was in 2021. And I was so nervous. I was about to lose my health insurance. ALT
Ke Huy Quan: So, I call my agent, and I say, "Can you _please_ get me anything? It doesn't matter."ALT
Ke Huy Quan: "I just need one job to make the minimum requirement, so I can qualify for health insurance the following year."ALT
Ke Huy Quan: I could not get one single job.ALT
Ke Huy Quan: And sure enough, 2021 came and went. Lost my health insurance.ALT

WHY THEY STRIKE: Ke Huy Quan (SAG), 2023 Winner of the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Everything Everywhere All At Once

Roughly 87% of members earn less than the minimum requirement of $26,000 yearly, making them ineligible for health coverage through the union. The studios’ refusal to pay union members a living wage and share their streaming revenues via residuals has made this a difficult ask for performers nationwide. For reference, “in most jobs, that [amount] would be considered a part-time job,” according to SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher.

mokn12: “リブログ講習受けてきた。帰り際にに講師の女性に呼び止められてこう言われた。「リブログと言うのは誰に言われたかではなく、何を言われたかです。人によっては居るだけでリミットになるので注意…



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